More cartoons on overthrowing the government.
A Table of Contents for Homeless in ArizonaAn index to Homeless in ArizonaGoogle records EVERYTHING you search for?According to this article Google probably saves everything that you search for. And of course Google will also turn anything and everything that you searched for over to the police so it can be used against you. In this article Google records tell the police that Casey Anthony searched for the word "chloroform" a number of times and the police used that evidence in her trial.I certainly don't think the people should be able to get away with murder. Murder is wrong. On the other hand I don't think that the government should spy on me and record every thing that I do just in case I might commit a crime and they want to use it against me. It's time to overthrow the governmet?This cartoonist seems to think it is time to overthrow the government.Opps, sorry Uncle Sam, please don't send your FBI, TSA and Homeland Security thugs to arrest me. I was just joking. I love the government. I love it when I bend over and get scr*wed by the government. Medical MarijuanaHere are a few articles on medical marijuana. It's been almost a year since Arizona legalized medical marijuana. Well at least a year since we have a law that actually allows people in Arizona to use medical marijuana.Arizona was the first state in the nation to legalize ALL drugs for medical uses, but for a number of reasons our government masters flushed those laws which legalized drugs for medical use down the toilet.
Time for some people food
Are people food for bobcatsAccording to this article they found a bobcat in a backyard in Scottsdale.As a homeless person who lives in the desert I often wonder if I will become bobcat food, or even worse mountain lion food. New Mexico judge busted for raping a prostituteAccording to this article Albuquerque's chief criminal judge was arrested on charges he raped a prostitute. Get this. In the past this hypocrite judge sentenced a man to 20 years in prison earlier for promoting prostitution.Government agencies waste money by spending itMost government agencies at the end of the financial year spend every last remaining cent in their budget.The reasoning is that if they don't spend every cent in their budget, there masters in Congress won't give them as much money for the next year. According to this article that is why ICE or the U.S. Customs is wasting our tax dollars to fly Mexicans who were caught sneaking into the USA to Mexico City, instead of dumping them on the other side of the border in Nogales. Russell Pearce RecallIn this article Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce seems to think that there are two sets of laws. One for us serfs that Russell Pearce rules over and a second set of rules for royal government rulers like Russell Pearce.Afterlife TV Show - an atheist dies and goes to heavenIf you ask me this TV show "AfterLife" which was written by an atheist and is about an atheist who dies and goes to heaven might be an interesting TV show. Even for a person who doesn't watch TV like me!Atheist's in governmentHere are a few interesting articles about "Atheists in Government" or perhaps "Atheists and Government"Channel 8 - Ron Paul InterviewWed, July 20 there was an interesting interview with Ron Paul on the Channel 8 news.If you ask me Ron Paul did a damn good job of selling his Libertarian views. Heat wave? Not in Phoenix!According to these articles most of the USA is having a heat wave. But here in Phoenix things are normal.More drug war newsHere are some more articles about the American drug war, which is really a war on the Constitution, a war on the Bill of Rights and a war on the American people!More drones for Libya War?In this article NATO is requesting more radio controlled drones for the American war in Libya.The Case Against Law SchoolAccording to this article the should allow anyone to take the bar exam. The legal profession has long sought to turn itself into a cartel. Among its anti-competitive tactics is mandating that prospective lawyers go through a needlessly long and expensive period of education.Norway shooting & BombingInitially this shooting and bombing in Norway was blamed on Muslim nut jobs, now it seems to be the work of a Christian nut job. Either way, the world would be a much better place without religion.Phoenix Police pretend to be horny teenagers who want to have sex with older menIn this article we find out there are a number of Phoenix Police officers wasting our tax dollars trolling the internet pretending to be hot, horny teenage who love having sex with older men. Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down?Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton BrockSome articles about Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton Brock. Will Fulton Brock run for reelection? The scandal with Susan Brock? |
Bike Savior Coop |
TSA thugs terrorize Valley Metro Light Rail passengersDuring the All Star Baseball Series in Phoenix Homeland Security and TSA thugs were terrorizing Valley Metro passengers. Check out some of the photos. Notice how these Homeland Security Thugs violate the laws that make it illegal to drink soda pop on the light rail train. |
Half truths, While LiesEvents that never happened
Of course Y2K did happen, but
it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the
people in the media predicted it would.
And it happened mostly on mainframe computers,
not the PC pictured in the cartoon.
The swine flue H1N1 was mostly a government scare plot along with the medical industry to get more government welfare money for the medical industry. Of course it never materialized. And of course last weeks Carmageddon was more of a media and government hype. So what another traffic jam on the San Diego Freeway (405) in Los Angeles. Big stinking deal. And of course Obama's HOPE was a big lie. Obama sold out everybody that he promised to help. Obama screwed the gay crowd. Obama screwed the anti-war crowd. Obama screwed the medical marijuana crowd. Bottom line Obama is just a carbon copy clone of Emperor George W. Bush, who is a Democrat instead of a Republican. Utah man refuses to tell police his nameIn these articles a Utah man is taking the 5th and refusing to tell the police his name.If you see this man, please shake the guys hand, thank him, and buy him a beer for his standing up to government tyranny and refusing to tell the police his name.
Black Woman Convicted of BBBIn this outrageous case a Black woman was convicted of murder, because her 4 year old child was killed in a hit and run accident.To be honest the woman's only crime was jaywalking. I suspect the only reason she was charged with murder was because she was Black, or the crime of BBB (Being Born Black). To add insult to injury, the driver of the hit and run car only got 6 months, while the poor woman who's child was killed in the accident will probably get 3 years. So much for a fair and impartial criminal justice system. The system is racist, in addition to being corrupt. Mexican Cell PhonesHere is some information on what you need to do to get a Mexican cell phone.Scientists 'show time travel is impossible'According to this article scientists in Hong Kong say time travel is impossible. But don't count on me to prove or disprove the article. I just read it.Scientists have said a lot of wacky things that have turned out to be false. Like that laws of physics make it impossible for bumble bees to fly. On the other hand lots of ideas that where deemed to be 100 percent BS have turned out to be true. Arizona Coplink Police DatabaseHere is an article about Coplink which is an Arizona police database. The cops call it a Google for police.Run against Russell Pearce and get your legs broken?According to this article Jerry Lewis, who is a potential candidate in the recall election against state Sen. Russell Pearce was attacked while jogging along a canal in Mesa. Is this Russell Pearces way of telling anybody that runs against him in his recall election will have their legs broken?The National Debt?Here are some articles on the "alleged" National Debt.I say "alleged" National Debt, because the National Debt is nothing more then a smoke screen for printing money to pay for the pork that Congress steals from us. Congress pretends to borrow money from it's, when in reality it is not "borrowing" money, but printing money. Can you borrow $20 from yourself and use it to buy lunch? Of course not. Could you print $20 and use it to buy your lunch? Damn right! And of course that is what Congress does. They print the money, and pretend that they are borrowing it. More on the Mesa Police murder Mario Madrigal JrIt's been almost 10 years since the Mesa Police murdered 14 year old Mario Madrigal Jr and sadly according to this article the Mesa police don't seem to have learned anything from it.Feds send out 70 million checks a monthAccording to this article the Federal government sends out at least 70 million checks a month. And that is just a low ball figure. The number is probably double or triple that.Jeffery Hendershott arrested for DUIAccording to this article Jeffery Hendershott the son of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's top goon Chief Deputy David Hendershott was arested for DUI.But please don't judge a kid by his jerk parents. Jeffery Hendershott, might be an honest ethical person despite being the son of police thug David Hendershott. Cool weather is here :)Tuesday, July 26 it didn't even hit a 100°F. I think it only hit 98°F. Wow, what a cool day. Of course it was humid and it felt a little bit warm.In Phoenix we usually consider winter to begin when it stops hitting 100°F. But I assure you that we will have lots more warm 100°F+ days until winter comes in October and it finally drops under 100°F. Hell for that matter we are almost certain to have a few 110°F or even 115°F days. Source The American Police StateIf you love the American Police state raise your right arm and say Hiel Obama. This article talks about how America has turned into a police state where everything is secret and classified. The article also talks about surveillance laws which allow the American government to spy on everybody under the guise that we are all suspected criminals who must be up to something bad.Paper Solar Cells?In this article they have some solar cells made by MIT which they claim are just like paper, can be printed on paper, and are dirt cheap to make.Feds read your email and listen to your phone callsAccording to this article the government practice of using the unconstitutional Patriot Act to tap people's phones and read their e-mails is so widespread that the Feds have no idea of how many people they are doing it to.Check out Maricopa County Library in GilbertI should go check out the Maricopa County Liberty in Gilbert for something to do. It's at:Southeast Regional Library - Gilbert Wire tape recorders?I wasted $5 and went to the Mesa Historical Museum which is on Lehi and Horne Roads in North Mesa. There I saw an interesting old tape recorder which used a thin steel metal wire to record sound, voice and music.The steel wire was maybe twice the diameter of a single wire used to hook up telephones, but it was steel, not copper. I googled on it and saw several interesting stories on it. Here is a story about it on Wikipedia. For those of you Wiki haters here is another story about the wire tape recorder for you. The article said that the quality of the recorded sound was the same as a record player. The article also said the the steel was was almost as thin as human hair, which conflicts with the stuff I saw at the museum. It said 7,200 feet of the wire could hold an hour long recording and fit on a 3 inch diameter spool. I suspect that alleged Libertarian David Dorn will accuse me of tape recording him with one of these machines from the dark ages. F*ck You David Dorn, you ain't even close to being a Libertarian. The museum also had some photos of people of Mesa, Arizona rallying against the Japanese in the 1930s. Jesus, I didn't think the American government started it's racism and hate towards the Japanese till around WWII, when our evil government stole their land and locked them up in concentration camps, which would have made the Nazis proud. NASA - a jobs program for NASA bureaucratsI went to this Sundays HSGP meeting. I knew the speaker Dr. David Fischer, was going to talk about "Highlights of Recent Space Exploits" and I figured it would be a pep rally for the American socialist government pork programs, like the space program.I was quite surprised, and happy when Dr. David Fischer painted NASA not as a great and wonderful space agency, but as a program full of pork, that mainly benefits the bureaucrats that work at NASA, and not much else. He gave figures that said the NASA programs that took us to the moon cost 100 times, what it was planned to cost. Ouch if you are a taxpayer. He gave use figures for future space program that NASA was going to launch and compared them to cost of prior NASA programs and the figures were amazing. Instead of the cost per pound of launching stuff into space going down, it was going up. Not just a little bit but doubling and quadrupling. It didn't say it, but it would be cheaper to scrap these new improved NASA programs and us the old technology to launch stuff into space. Of course as a Libertarian I think we should just scrap NASA. One reoccurring theme or slide in his presentation was a photo of a 50 year old Soviet rocket which is used by the Russians to cheaply launch their stuff into space. He kept showing the high tech, super expensive, and over budget American space stuff, and then after each display of American pork he would show the photo of the Russian rocket and say, there is that 50 year old rocket, the Russians use to cheaply launch there stuff into space. End of July 2011 stuffThis page is kind of a combined July 2011 and Aug 2011 web page. I have the last two weeks of articles from July 2011 and Now I am starting to add the stuff from Aug 2011.Don't ask me why I did it this way. I will take the 5th. Of course I suspect Ernie Hancock and his creepy friend David Dorn will say that means I am a government snitch. I can't see how either of those two hypocrites can call themselves Libertarians. Free credit reportsIn this article they list one site which you can get a free credit report from.That web site is annualcreditreport.comYou can get one credit report a year for each of these major credit card, or credit reporting agencies which are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Bill Gates is a jerk? Paul AllenIn this article Paul Allen, a co-founder of Microsoft seems to be saying that Bill Gates is a jerk.Yes I will have to agree with him on that. I have always thought Bill Gates was a jerk. As a software engineer I doubt that Bill Gates could code his way out of a paper bag. On the other hand even if Bill Gates is a jerk, and an incompetent computer programmer, he certainly is a damn good marketing guy. I quit tweetingI started tweeting for something to do. But I am not really into tweeting, so I probably will stop tweeting as least for a while.If you want to continue to see the articles that I post about the things the idiots in government and religion check out this web page. Business sucks at strip joints in Las VegasAccording to this article the recession is causing a huge drop in strip joints and topless bars in Las Vegas.Disappearing Ink? POINT DISAPPEARING INK PEN KIT Here is a state-of-the-art ink pens that will magically disappear after about 48 hours, without leaving a trace of what you wrote. Sensitive notes can be taken today and you can be assured that the sensitive and confidential material will be gone in a couple of days. You obtain three different pens. The first pen has ink that will disappear within a couple of hours. The send pen has ink that will disappear in about two days and the third pen disappears after about a week. DISAPPEARING INK PEN SET $29.95 Checks that self destruct after a weekThis is an interesting article about some crooks that created checks that self destruct after a week or so. If the checks crumple up and turn into dust they can't bounce and that's why the crooks did it.Hindu Tempe opens in TempeI think it would be fun to visit this Hindu Tempe that just opened in Tempe, even if I am an atheist.Those Hindus have a lot cooler gods then the Christians. If fact the Jesus god that Christians believe in is pretty much a carbon copy clone of the Hindu god Krishna. Also they usually give out free food, even if it isn't the hot spicy food that real Indians eat.
Sri Venkata Krishna Kshetra, the eighth Hindu temple in the Vally, was opened recently in Tempe. It's open to all, irrespective of cast or creed. Location: 615 S. Beck AvenueOpening hours: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5-9 p.m. Monday to FridayDetails: 480-785-5217Srianthi Perera Zombie Gabrielle Giffords VotesIn this article Gabrielle Giffords, who is more or less a zombie after having half of her brain blasted away in a Tucson shooting make a token appearence in the House to vote to raise the National Debt limit.Filberto's Rape?According to this article the owner of one of the Filberto's raped or attempted to rape one of his employees.I sure hope it's not one of the people I know. But it's probably not, because all the people I know work in Phoenix, Tempe or Mesa. I also think there are a bunch of Filberto's owners. Fullerton cops beat homeless man to deathAccording to this article several police officers in the Fullerton Police Department beat a homeless man to death.18 years of Sheriff Joe's Tent City GulagAccording to this article Sheriff Joe's American gulag call "Tent City" has been around for 18 years.Junk Mail Terrorist - Phoenix Councilman Sal DiCiccioI have sent Phoenix Councilman Sal DiCiccio a number of emails demanding that he remove me from his junk email list. He always refuses.According to this article Phoenix Councilman Sal DiCiccio is a junk e-mail terrorist and routinely sends his junk emails to 100,000+ people. I guess this means I should file my lawsuit as soon as possible and get the courts to force this asshole to stop sending me his unwelcome junk emails. Cops use your cell phone to spy on youYour cell phone when it is turned on constantly tells the police where you are. The police also have a record of each and every phone call you make over both cell phones and regular land lines.This article addresses some of the issues of the police using your cell phone to spy on you. Fire those crooked firemenFire em all, except the ones that gave me moneyIn this article Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says he has “zero tolerance” for abuse of taxpayer money - But that is 100 percent BS. He has “zero tolerance” only for the government workers who steal and don't give him a cut of the loot.I suspect this is because the Chicago fire and police unions give him boatloads of money in campaign contributions. |
I love my job as a TSA airport police officer
Namibia Desert sounds like a cool place to visitAfter reading this article about the Namibia Desert, it sounds like a pretty cool place to visit.On the other hand maybe I should check out Death Valley before I start flying to deserts on other continents. Scottsdale noise ordinance is a farce?According to this article "If you live in an area where you can hear the music coming from the [Scottsdale night] clubs, the noise ordinance doesn't apply. It's only if you live in an area where you can't hear the music that the ordinance applies"Uncle Sam's got your fingerprints and shares themStates can't opt out of Secure Communities programAccording to this article American Emperor Obama administration says that states can't drop out of the controversial Secure Communities program, which uses fingerprints collected by local and state police to help immigration authorities identify and deport tens of thousands of criminals each year.Homemade Drone Snoops on Wireless NetworksThis article talks about a homemade drone that snoops on wireless networks. The article says it is from a Black Hat conference in Las Vegas. I wonder if they are mixing it up with DEFCON which is a hacker convention held this week in Las Vegas too?Navy Seals who murdered bin Laden die in helicopter crashIn this article we find out that 20 of the U.S. Navy SEALs who murdered Osama bin Laden in an illegal raid into Pakistan died in a helicopter crash. Sometimes the good guys do win.Greyhound President John Teets diesAccording to this article John Teets died. He was President of the Greyhound Corporation.Winnie Ruth JuddSome interesting information about Winnie Ruth Judd the world famous Arizona ax murderess!Winnie Ruth Judd was arrested after she took a train to Los Angeles from Phoenix where they discovered two dead woman in her luggage trunks where they had been sliced and diced into little parts. Travel SitesCheck out this URL for some web sites that will help you find a cheep hotel, cheep bus fare, or cheep plane fare for your vacation.Check out this URL for some web sites that will help you find a cheap hotel, cheap bus fare, or cheap plane fare for your vacation. More police web sites and computers hackedAccording to this article a group known as Anonymous said Saturday it hacked into some 70 mostly rural law enforcement websites in the United States, a data breach that at least one local police chief said leaked sensitive information about an ongoing investigation.Free cell phones for poor people?According to these articles Uncle Sam is requiring cell phone companies to pay money which is used to give free cell phones to poor people. Don't you love living the the United Socialist States of America?Alivi8 VaporizerI should used these specs to make one of my own instead of shelling out the $85.Politicians don't want to give up their bribesIn this article Arizona voters think overwhelmingly that politicians should not accept ANY bribes, gifts or other trinkets. But the politicians say that isn't feasible or realistic. Just what part of "no bribes" don't these elected crooks understand?Indian Cooking Classes in TempeAccording to this article you can take some Indian cooking classes in Tempe. I should warn you that the guy who owns this store seems to have cornered the market for charging outrageously high prices for his Indian products and foods.Hell is make believe?Religion is superstition?This is an interesting article in USA Today which seems to say that hell is make believe? Of course if you are an atheist that isn't hard to figure out. But a main stream American newspaper writting an article that supports atheistism isn't and every day occurrence.The author of the article also wrote the book "10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell Youwhich sounds like an interesting title. |
Obama 1776
New York cops rape drunk womanIn this article two New York cops called 911 and used that as an excuse to go to a drunk woman's apartment and rape her.Was 9/11 an inside job?I am not sure if 9/11 was created by the government or not.I don't trust my government masters any farther then I can throw them. And of course in Nazi Germany the Nazis allegedly started the Reichstag Fire where the German Parliament met on 27th February, 1933. My initial reaction is the the Arabs were responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. Of course there are a lot of damn good motives for the Arabs to attack America. After all the American government has been screwing them over for the last 70 or 80 years. With me if there is a simple logical explanation for something then it is usually true compared to a convoluted explanation. Here is a book that says the folks who think the 9/11 was an inside job by the govenrment are full of bunk: Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the FactsYou can check it out at Barnes and Noble It is written by David Dunbar and The Editors of Popular Mechanics. Balancing budget actually easyAccording to this letter balancing the budget shouldn't be that hard. Just raise taxes by 66 percent and the budget will be balanced.No free speech on the Internet in EuropeAccording to this article Europians don't like free speech on the internet. The article didn't say it this way, but it seems that any speech, even if it is true that will p*ss off a government nanny isn't allowed under the guise of hurting somebodies feelings.Bill of Rights null and void for southbound travelers?For years the Border Patrol or INS has told us that the Bill of Rights is null and void for any travelers who are going north and within 50 miles of the border.According to this article the Border Patrol now seems to think that the Bill of Rights is also null and void for southbound travelers. Hacker to Demonstrate 'Weak' Mobile Internet SecurityAccording to this article a German computer engineer has deciphered the code used to encrypt most of the world’s mobile Internet traffic.Feds want to keep Jared Loughner doped upAccording to this article the Feds want to keep Jared Loughner doped up. Jesus, this sounds like something they would do in a third world police state.The Feds claim they are going to force drugs down his throat till he becomes sane. If you ask me there seems to be something wrong with their stupid plan. More on Baby GabrielHere are some more articles about Baby Gabriel.I have some serious program with the government charging Elizabeth Johnson, who is Baby Gabrials mom with murder. One of them is that Baby Gabriel's body has never been found. We don't even know if the child is alive or dead. |
Obama - Damn, Bush forced me to miss that putt
Like most politicians Obama will blame any
scape goat that can't fight back for all
the mistakes he makes.
Homemade X-Ray MachineKids, according to this article you can build a home made x-ray machine on your moms kitchen table.US is turning Mexico into a police stateAccording to these articles the American government is financing Mexico's drug war and turning Mexico into a police state that resembles the American police state which was created by the American "drug war" and expanded into a full blown police with the American "war on terror".Of course both the American "drug war" and the American "war on terror" are illegal, unconstitutional wars, which are really wars on the American people, by the American government. GT200 drug and explosives detectorSome articles about the marvelous GT200 drug and explosives detector which will detect drugs and explosives just about anywhere.No you can't buy one from the ads on the back page of the National Enquirer, but bases on how well the device works, you probably should be able to buy one there. Nothing learned from Buddhist Temple MurdersIn this article which looks at the worst murder in the history of Maricopa County, or in the Phoenix metro area it sure sounds like the cops learned absolutelly nothing from the false confessions they got using the "9 Step Reid Method", which is a psychological method of beating people with mental rubber hoses to get confessions. |
Downgraded from "Nitwits" to "JackassesIt's official. The S&P downgraded us from "Nitwits" to "Jackasses"
Daniel D. McCracken, Expert on Computers, Dies at 81Daniel D. McCracken who wrote a few books on FORTRAN and COBOL died according to this article. I didn't read any of his books and I don't know why I am giving him this blurb on my web page.Scott Bundgaard to cop a plea bargain?According to this article Scott Bundgaard is weighing a possible plea agreement. Scott Bundgaard is accused of beating up his former girlfriend, Aubrey Ballard, in a fight on the Squaw Peak Freeway.Maricopa County raises property-tax rate by 18%According to this article the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors which consists of Fulton Brock, Don Stapley, Andrew W. Kunasek, Max W. Wilson, MaryRose Wilcox and Mary Rose Wilcox, unanimously voted to raise property-taxes by rate by 18%.Reservation dogs roam unchecked; attacks commonAccording to this article on the Navajo Indian Reservation dogs routinely attack, bite and sometimes kill people.Of course the problem isn't the animal control cops who fail to pick up these loose dogs. The problem is the owners of the dogs who let their dogs roam and attack anything in sight. Billionaire funds Libertarian IslandsAccording this article Pay Pal founder and Facebook investor Peter Thiel is funding a plan to create floating libertarian countries in international waters.Sounds like lots of fun. Let's hope that idiot David Dorn doesn't visit one of these islands. David Dorn claims to be a Libertarian, but the creep has been spreading lies around about me saying I am a government snitch. F*ck David Dorn! Secret Service buys $1.1 million buses for Obama campaign tourAccording to this article the Secret Service bought two $1.1 million buses for Emperor Obama's Midwest campaign trip.Bears are more important then people - CongressAccording to this article our government masters in the U.S. Congress seem to think that bears are more important then people. They have also created a wonderful jobs program for the overpaid government bureaucrats in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to protect bears from people.Jailing child support deadbeats unconstitutional?According to this article the police in Arizona routinely arrest and jail people who don't pay their child support.But is that constitutional? Article 2 section 18 of the Arizona Constitution says you can't be jailed for not paying your debts, which would mean all these arrests are unconstitutional. Guy Fawkes MasksGuy Fawkes masks from the movie Vendetta
Debate in Phoenix mayor's race is mostly hot air!According to this article almost all of the debate in the upcoming Phoenix election for mayor is meaningless hot air. What did you expect? An honest debate on the issues?Curry Corner - Indo-Pakistani Cuisine - TempeI should check out the Curry Corner in Tempe.I wonder is it a new version of the Copper Kettle? Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman's son falls off A MountainAccording to these articles Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman's son, Eli Hallman fell off of A Mountain!Eli Hallman claims he was attacked. But I wonder, was Eli Hallman smoking pot, or drinking when he fell off? Last but not least this happened after the parks 10 pm curfew. How come Eli Hallman wasn't arrested by the Tempe Police for trespassing. Papers Please - Davis-Monthan Air Force BaseAccording to this article you have to prove you are not a criminal or an ex-criminal before entering Papers Please - Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson.I wonder when they amended the Bill of Rights to make then null and void on military bases. If you love the police state raise you arm and say "Hiel Hitler". Federal computerized welfare programs are open to massive fraud?According to this article the computerized federal welfare programs could be open to massive amounts of fraud by people who file claims and know what the rules are.Dial 311 for more government nanniesIf you ask me this proposed 311 government phone number just sounds like a jobs program for them to hire more government nannies who will tax the krap out of us and micromanage our lives even more.Aug 2011 - What different college degrees payThis article lists the starting pay and mid career pay for many college degrees.I love warm weatherIf you ask me it hasn't been a real hot summer. We have not had many days over 110°F.On the other hand it seems to have been a real humid summer. We have had a number of days where it was over 100°F but the humidity was high and it seemed like it was much hotter. I am unhappy now, because the weather seems to be starting to cool down. In less then a month and a half October will be here and it will soon be dropping under 100°F and those cold Arizona winters will be here again. I hate cold weather. Source How do you spell Heil Hitler?How do you spell Heil Hitler? Well you don't spell it "Hiel Hitler"! The correct spelling is "Heil Hitler". For more on this check out this Heil Hitler url.Last but not least I don't like Hitler any more then I liked Obama, Bush, Carter, Ford, Nixon or any of the royal American government rulers. I just say "Heil Hitler" all the time to make fun of the American police state. Eyewitnesses frame innocent people about a third of the time?According to this article eyewitnesses are frequently wrong - about a third of the time. "Of the first 250 DNA exonerations, 190 involved eyewitnesses who were wrong".USA becomes Food Stamp NationAccording to this article the USA has become a "food stamp nation" with about 15 percent of the population receiving food stamps.Emperor Obama knows how to spend our money!Sure since Emperor Obama entered office he pretty much has been a carbon copy clone of George W. Bush, which is continue war mongering policies and his policies to continue turning American into a Homeland Security police state.But hey, when it comes to taxing and spending Obama can tax the krap out of us as good as any other democrat, according to this article. Stuff to test div'sHere is a stupid web page to test <div> tags.Loot and Rape would be a better logo!The police love to brain wash us with the lies that they are here to protect and serve us. A better motto for the cops like the gang of thieves and crooks that work for Sheriff Joe would be "To Loot and Rape". In this article Laurie Roberts rambles on how Sheriff Joe's goons want to steal every single cent in the taxpayers pockets.Love the police state? Move to NYCIf you love the police state and enjoy a city that is filled with government snitches spying on the citizens they rule over you probably will love living in NYC, which according to this article is full of police snitches who spy on the serfs they rule over.5.8 Earthquake hits Washington D.C.Here are a few articles on that 5.8 earthquake that hit Washington D.C.Having live in Los Angeles and being thru several earthquakes at 5.8 it seemed like a pretty wimpy earthquake. But hey, on the other hand these things don't happen that often on the East Coast like they do California. Of course it my only real complaint about this earthquake was that it wasn't an 8.9 center directly under Washington D.C. To be honest the American people don't really need the White House, Senate or House buildings and all the government terrorists that occupy them. A FBI snitch is reading your mail right now!This article is about the FBI, which has turned into Americas version of the KGB, Gestapo, or SS. If you love the police state proudly say "Heil Hitler, Heil Bush and Heil Obama", while you raise your arm to make that funny Nazi salute.More on the suicide of Phoenix Officer Sean DrenthPhoenix Officer Sean Drenth seems to have committed suicide just before he was to be arrested on felony charges of falsifying his time sheets for work he did as an off duty cops.The Phoenix Police have always refused to admit it was a suicide. Probably because they will get better PR if they make him out a a hero cop who died in the line of action and make him a martyr. And of course so his wife could collect a pension which she would not have received if his death had been ruled a suicide. For more on this strange case check out these articles. Black Hole Eats StarAccording to this article astronomers say they've witnessed to a black hole swallowing up and consuming a star.Tape record a crooked cop? Go to jailAccording to this article Tiawanda Moore who was tape recording some crooked Chicago cops almost went to jail for trying to get some evidence against these crooked cops.Linsey?Fulton Brock lies about tax increase he voted forAndy Kunasek also lies about reducing property taxesIn these articles Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton Brock lies about the tax increase he voted for. He says it wasn't a tax increase. What BS.Along with the article about Fulton Brock denying the tax increase I also include the article from the Arizona Republic which wrote about the tax increase. Maricopa County Supervisor Andy Kunasek also lies about reducing property taxes. What do these government tyrants think we are? Stupid Morons? I guess they do think we are "stupid morons". Must be fun being a third world dictator!According to this article a whole slew of hidden tunnels, bunkers lie under Gadhafi compound, and for that matter under Tripoli.Phoenix mayor's son suspended from police forceAccording to this article Officer Jeffrey Gordon, who is the son of Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon, was suspended for touching a woman's boobs while on duty.Officer Jeffrey Gordon, was giving the woman a massage, while he was on duty, when he reached into her blouse and under her bra to touch her breasts. One question I have is why the hell are police officers allowed to give Phoenix employees massages while they are on duty. Don't these piggies have any criminals to hunt down? Mesa wants to lure drunks to downtown MesaAccording to this article the city of Mesa wants to bring more drunks into the downtown Mesa area.Of course that is at the same time Mesa is passing draconian rules to run all the people that smoke medical marijuana out of town. If you ask me I will take a stoned pot smoker any day of the year over an obnoxious drunk. But then what do I know, I'm not a Mormon. Pentagon propaganda machine makes Americans love war?According to this article the military loves to pay (or subsidize) movie companies the make movies that glorify war and the American military machine. Sadly most Americans are not aware that the Pentagon was involved in these movies that glorify war.Sheriff Paul Babeu spends $50,000 on ego tripAccording to this article Sheriff Paul Babeu spent $50,000 on ego trip where he brought 25 of his employees to clap for him when he received some silly cop award at a conference in Missouri. Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down.LAPD shakes down artist for painting of burning bankAccording to this article the Los Angeles Police Department shook down an artist who was standing outside of a Chase Bank in Van Nuys painting a picture of a bank burning down.You would figure the would quit pissing away our tax dollars after that, but several days later some detectives from the LAPD showed up at his home to grill him again. Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down? |
Is Homeland Security spending paying off?This article asks the question, are the billions of dollars we are spending on "homeland security" paying off or are we just pissing our tax dollars down the toilet?I suspect if you are an over paid cops who is on the receiving end and getting to stuff all this money in your wallet, your answer will be an overwhelming "yes". Of course if you are a taxpayer, like me, you will probably think you are being screwed by the government and it's all a big huge waster of money. Of course H. L. Mencken puts it in the correct perspective with his quote: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." Police eyewitnesses lie a lotAccording to this article police eyewitnesses frequently lie.Under paid CongressmenAccording to this article a growing number of Congressmen are unhappy with the lousy pay they receive from the government.These hard working guys put in at least 12 hours a week, working 3 very long 4 hour days on the House or Senate floor and they only get paid a measly $174,000 yearly salary. And on top of that they have to put in another 3 or 4 hours a week in their office. I doubt these overworked government bureaucrates are getting paid a cent more then $302 an hour. That's a measly $3,346 week. Phoenix cops feel up hot womanAccording to this article Phoenix Police Officer Jeffrey Gordon, who is the son of Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon, gets to feel up hot women all day during his work as a Phoenix Police officer.Look Mayor Gordon, you are always bitching that you want to hire more cops to keep us safe, well there isn't any need to do that. Just tell you creep son Jeffrey Gordon and his fellow cops to quit feeling up hot woman when they are on duty and go out and hunt down some criminals. Then you won't have to hire any more pigs to keep us safe. On the other hand I suspect most of these pigs are not currently doing anything to keep us safe. Nogales, Arizona Mayor gets 3.5 years in prisonAccording to this article the mayor of Nogales, Arizona, Octavio Garcia-Von Borstel was sentenced to 3½ years in prison. He was convicted of fraud and illegally conducting an enterprise.Ain't you glad your government masters are looking out for your best interests? 9/11 was used to flush the Bill of Rights down the toiletAccording to this article our government masters have used 9/11 as an excuse to flush the Constitution and the Bill of Rights down the toilet and turn America into a police state.Plea bargains flush our right to a jury trial down the toiletIn this article it sure seems like the current plea bargain system flushes our right to a jury trial down the toilet.It works like this, you can accept a plea bargain and get a prison sentence of a few years. On the other hand if you demand to exercise your right to a jury trial and are convicted the government will give you a draconian sentence which will effectively lock you up in prison for the rest of your life. Aguatuqui - Agua-tu-qui - Agua tu qui - AhwatukeeI finally figured out how to spell "Ahwatukee" in Spanish as it is pronounced in English. It's"Aguatuqui"Ahwatukee in spanish is agua - tu - qui or Aguatuqui. Ahwatukee is an area in the south part of Phoenix area. You could call it South Phoenix, but South Phoenix is a slum on the north side of South Mountain. Check out Chandler Blvd in AhwatukeeI went on a job interview on 48th Street, half way between Ray Road and Chandler Blvd in Ahwatukee.It was a pretty interesting area. I should check out the area along Chandler Blvd and Ray Road from 48th Street all the way to maybe 7th Street. Lots of good places that are not government land where a homeless person could sleep. QuikTrip & Virgil Morgan screwed by Phoenix votersIn this article QuikTrip and Virgil Morgan were both screwed by the voters of the city of Phoenix.I like to call this "tyranny of the majority", or perhaps better said "tyranny of the minority" where a small number of voters force their will on somebody and prevent them from using their land or property. Aug 30 - Winter is almost hereToday when I got up in the morning it seems like the sun rose a lot later then it usually does. Sadly this means winter is almost here.Also when I left in the morning it was slightly cooler then it had been on prior mornings, another sign that winter is almost here. Sadly winter is almost here in Phoenix. Tomorrow is Sept 1 and then in another month in October tempatures will soon be dropping under 100°F, which is winter arrives in Phoenix. I HATE winter. I wish it stayed warm all year round! It's not that cold!Yes I bitch all the time that it's too damn cold. But I guess it's not that cold!Source Obama's Uncle is an illegal alien?More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" line from our government masters. According to this article Obama's Uncle is an illegal alien who has been in the USA since 1992.We can't over throw the government! That would be illegal.That crazy artist from Pearls before Swine thinks we should over throw the government?El Molino's? Downtown Scottsdale?According to this article there is an El Molinos in Downtown Scottsdale!Feds p*ssing our tax dollars away like drunken sailorsAccording to this article the government idiots in the INS are p*ssing our tax dollars away flying people that are arrested on the Mexican border, to Mexico City. When it's other people's money I guess it's pretty easy to p*ss it away.Russell Pearce Government tyrant!According to this article Russell Pearce's Lawyer Is Full of Bunk.Afterlife - an atheist TV showHmmm ... this article is about an atheist TV show called "Afterlife".Radio controlled dronesMore on those radio controlled drones the American government uses to murder innocent woman and children in Iraq and Afghanistan.Phoenix cops refuse to take DNA testsAccording to this article a good number of Phoenix Police Officers are refusing to take DNA tests relating to the murder or probably suicide of Sean Drenth.Linsey LohanMore on Linsey Lohan.Jobs program for FBI agentsIf you read this article and you look between the lines you will quickly figure out that the alleged "War on Terror" is really a jobs program for overpaid, under worked FBI thugs.Washington D.C. 5.8 EarthquakeAccording to this article a 5.8 earthquake hit Washington D.C. Too bad the White House, Senate and House buildings are still standing. Sure we need a revolution to fix things up, but there ain't nothing wrong with an earthquake doing what the people refuse to do.What different college degrees pay?This article talks about what different college degrees pay.Daniel D. McCracken, Expert on Computers, DiesAccording to this article computer expert Daniel D. McCracken has died.Elizabeth Johnson gets screwed by the criminal injustice systemAccording to this article Elizabeth Johnson continues to be screwed by the criminal injustice system in Arizona. I don't know if she is guilty or not, but she is definitely getting screwed by the cops and prosecutors. If you ask me there ain't a shred of evidence that proves or definatelly links her to the alleged murder of missing Baby Gabrial.Fullerton Police beat homeless man to death!According to this article the Fullerton Police brutally beat a homeless man to death. Fullerton is a yuppie city a lot like Scottsdale, in the Los Angeles metro area. Well really it's down in Orange County, which is also part of the 5 county Los Angeles area.More Medical Marijuana NewsHere are your daily dose of medical marijuana articles. Remember not sneaking any tokes of that medical marijuana unless you have the prescription.Zombie Gabrielle Giffords votes to raise National Debt LimitAccording to this article zombie Gabrielle Giffords voted to raise National Debt Limit.Hindu Tempe opens in TempeAccording to this article a new Hindu Temple opened in Tempe. Even though I am an atheist I like to check out these things. Most Christians don't know it but their Jesus god is a carbon copy clone of the Hindu god Krishna and of the god Buddha, which evolved out of the Hindu religion.Web sites for travelingHere are a few links to web sites that are useful for traveling.Don't blame me! It's HIS faultHey, look, don't blame me it's his fault. Socialist never accept responsibility for their own actions. Oddly this has some David Dorn stuff in it. David Dorn is the creep who has been spreading lies about about me telling people I am a government snitch.No More Tweets From MeI got tired of playing with my twitter account and as of now it's No More Tweets From Me!Gilbert Maricopa County LibraryI should go check out the Maricopa County Library in Gilbert. It's on the southeast corner of Greenfield and Gilbert in Gilbert, Arizona according this article.Feds don't know how many Americans they are spying on!According to this article the police state in America is so large the Feds don't even know how many people they are spying on. If you love the police state yell as loud as you can "Heil Hitler, Heil Bush, Heil Obama! Long live the police state!"The Feds send out 70 million checks a month!According to this article the Feds send out over 70 million checks a month.The US National DebtHere is some info on the "alleged" National Debt.Coplink Police DatabaseI wonder will Ernie Hancock and his creepy friend David Dorn start telling people I am a government snitch because I posted this article? |
Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in Phoenix |
This url lists a bunch of Spanish language newspapers and magazines in the Phoenix metro area. | ||
Map of the Phoenix Canal System |
For your viewing pleasure right here we have a map of the Phoenix canal system | ||
Babes from the Los Angeles Times |
Here are some hot babes from the LA Times. Don't worry they all have their clothes on and are legally allowed on these tripod web pages. | ||
Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011 |
This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site | ||
Books on my reading list |
Here are some
on my
reading list.
They are mostly computer geek books, or books that document the history of evil government deeds. |