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Will Cain's 9/9/9 tax become a 29/29/29 tax?

  Herman Cain, 2012 candidate for President of the United States of America On the Wed, Nov 9, 2011 Presidential debates in Detroit,Michigan, Herman Cain gave us a BS answer when asked what would stop his 9/9/9 tax from becoming a 29/29/29 tax.

Herman Cain gave a clever answer and said something like taxes don't raise themselves, but politicians raise taxes. He is right on that.

Herman Cain also said that the voters would hold the politicians feet to the fire to prevent them from raising the tax.

That is 100 percent BS. In 1913 when the 1st income tax came out the tax rate was tiny 1 percent tax on people that made $3,000. The tax maxed out at 6 percent for people that made more then a $500,000 a year.

Currently in 2011 the income tax is 10 percent on people that make a measly $8,500 and it goes up to 15 percent for people that make up to $34,500. The tax maxes out at 35 percent for people that make $380,000 or more.

When it comes to income tax rates in the past the "people" did NOT hold the politicians feet to the fire and prevent them from raising tax rates.

From what I have read the 16th Amendment, which is the income tax was billed as a "soak the rich" tax and passed for that reason. Because most people thought that they would not be taxed and that they could get rich people to pay their bills.

Of course it didn't quite work out that way, and Uncle Sam pretty much screws everybody with his income tax.

Read some of my comments on comparing Cain's 999 tax to Perry's 20 percent flat tax.


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