If you have any information that can be used to find out who the criminals are that committed this assault please email me at
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On Sunday, February 23, 2008 1 (note) at about 5:30 a.m. at the southeast intersection of Baseline Road and 46th Street in Phoenix Arizona I was the victim of a vicious, sadistic beating that appears to be racist. I am a homeless person and I had gotten up at 5:15 a.m. that morning as I was walking to the bus stop. As I started walking east on the south side of Baseline Road just east of the 46th Street intersection a tall slender Black man approached me with his hand stretched out like he wanted to shake my hand. I instinctively started to run. The Black man chased me, knocked me down on to Baseline Road. While he was knocking me down he also punched me in the face giving me a large cut that later took 10 stitches to close. I suspect that he may have punched my glasses, and that the lense on my glasses caused the large cut. This could also mean that his fist left DNA on my glasses. Something the cops could use to convict him, and something that will prevent the cops from framing someone who didn’t commit the crime. ![]() After I fell to the ground it appeared another man, probably a Black man also attacked me. Perhaps it was more then two Black men. It seemed like two sets of fists were punching me. As I was on the ground they punched me a number of times. I though they were going to kill me. I was terrified. As they beat me they were shouting some racial epithet, the N-word, which I don’t know if I am allowed to repeat on this web site. It was a sentence with the N-word in it and I couldn’t understand the other words in the sentence. This is one of the reasons I think the horrible beating I received was racially motivated. They were Black, and I am white. For some reason they stopped beating me. At the time I could not figure out why. Later with 20/20 hindsight I think it might have been because I was laying on the middle of Baseline Road which is a major street in Phoenix and maybe cars were coming and they stopped the beating to avoid being run over by a car. Just a guess. I then took off running. I must have run half way to 48th Street. I was terrified and thought the Black guys were going to chase me down and kill me. But they didn’t chase me. After I though they would not chase me I stopped running and walked to the QT Gas station on 48th Street and Baseline Road. The second reason I think the beating was racist is they didn’t steal my wallet. They didn’t make any attempt to steal my wallet while they were beating me, nor did they chase me down and steal my wallet after the beating. At the gas station a guy who was filling up his car offered me a ride. I declined, and told him I had been just beaten up. As if it wasn’t obvious because blood was dripping everywhere from the cut on my face. I think the guy witnessed the crime. He said something to the effect that they ran into the apartment complex just north of were the beating occurred on Baseline Road. And because he said they it confirms that I was beaten by two or more people. I should have asked for his name because if he was a witness that might help me find, arrest, jail, and convict the racist criminals that beat me up. I really didn’t want to call the police. I have had my civil rights violated by crooked police officers a number of time and would prefer not to deal with the police if I can avoid it. But in my mind I was beat up so badly I though I would have to because I needed medical help. So my mind was flip flopping between what I should do once I entered the gas station. One of the workers in the gas station asked me what happened and I told him I was beaten up by some racist Blacks. And I said that they were racists because they did not steal my wallet. I didn’t have to debate about whether to call the police because the guy called the cops for me. When the cops asked him what happened he handed the phone to me and made me talk to them. I told the people at 911 pretty much the same story that I had been the victim of a racist beating by some Blacks at 46th Street and Baseline. Things got worse when the 911 operator asked me for my name and I refused. This is shows what a police state we live in. Instead of accepting the fact that I am taking the 5th and refusing to give her my name, the 911 operator demands that I give her my name. I think the police are more interested in running my name thru their computers to see if I have any warrants out for my arrest, then catching the racist who just beat me up. Any how because of this I quit talking to the 911 operator and give the phone back to the QT employee. When the police ask me for my name I always take the 5th Amendment and refuse to answer their questions. I wasn’t going to behave any differently here. Even though the cops didn’t stop me this time, they were called to help me. When the Phoenix police arrived I gave them the details about what happened. But after getting the details about what happened the Phoenix Police were pretty useless. Again they asked me for my name and I refused. They told me they couldn’t help me if I wouldn’t give them my name. Again the cops were more concerned about forcing me to give them my name so they could run it thru the computer to see if I had any warrants out for my arrest, rather then worrying about catching the Black guys who just beat me up. The paramedics who I think are part of the Phoenix Fire department were also pretty useless. They did nothing other then give me a cold pack to put on my cut face. Again they seemed more concerned about digging up information that they could use to arrest me with. They asked me several times what drugs I was on. And if I was taking drugs. They also took my blood pressure and heart beat, but did nothing to help my wound. One of them even accused me of being on drugs, because my blood pressure was too high, for just having been beaten up! Over paid government nannies! The paramedics loaded me up into an ambulance. I don’t know who operated the ambulance. I think it was the city of Phoenix. I was then taken to a hospital where I was treated. I received 10 stitches for the cut on my face. I was punched numerous times on my left arm and left body. After coming out of the shock those punches started to ache. But only for a day or so. I later discovered that a number of those punches tore holes into my coat. The Black guy that I saw was not wearing gloves, so I suspect that the holes in my coat might contain DNA from the guys hands. Something the cops would love. And if we have DNA the cops can’t frame the wrong person for the crime. The only part of my body that was bruised from the punches was my hand. That is probably because it was only covered with a glove. The other punches didn’t cause bruises because I wear 10 layers of clothing to keep warm at night. The doctor did prescribe some really good dope for me. The good thing about this racist attack was the racist Black guys did not steal my money. They didn’t even try to take my wallet. After being released from the hospital I walked to Filberto’s where I used the small amount of money I had to buy a chorizo burrito. Mmm!!! I love hot spicy chorizo. There are two things I don’t like about the hospital, or really government rules relating to hospitals. The first rule is in Arizona hospitals are required by law to treat people like me for free. That is wrong when the government makes you give away your services for free. Just because I am homeless I don’t have a God given right to steal medical services from anyone. But the government doesn’t think that way. They make hospitals give their services away for free, if people like me can’t pay for them and that is wrong. Well almost! The second rule is corporate welfare for hospitals. The Arizona government has AHCCCS employees stationed at most hospitals. And if your poor they come up to you and say “ Hey I’m with AHCCCS and if you can’t pay your medical bill, the state of Arizona will gladly pay your medical bill for free thru AHCCCS. Of course the State of Arizona doesn’t pay your medical bill. They steal money from the citizens of Arizona and use the stolen money to pay your medical bill. That is wrong. And in reality it is just another form of “corporate welfare” which goes to hospitals. But the real goal is here to help find and arrest the racist Black thugs who beat me up and bring them to trial and have them punished for their crimes. If they attack and beat us one person for the crime of being White I am sure they will certainly attack and beat up more people. They could have killed me. They may kill then next person they attack. They probably will brag about how great they are for beating up an evil White person. IF they brag to you could you help me and either tell the cops who they are or email me so I can pass their names on to the cops! Or if you happened to witness the crime could you also either tell me or the police what you saw? If you have any information that can be used to find out who the criminals are that committed this assault please email me baseline_beating@yahoo.com When I talked to the cops they told me these guys have robbed people before. The cops said these guys hang out on both the south and north sides of Baseline Road near 46th Street. The cops said they have robbed people of cell phones and other stuff. The cops say they even shot one guy. The cops didn’t mention the race of the other victims. One amusing thing about this beating was the cold pack the Phoenix paramedics gave me. It contains ammonium nitrate, which is the stuff Timothy McVey used to blow up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Ammonium nitrate when you mix it with water becomes cold, which is why it is used in cold packs. But since ammonium nitrate can be used as an explosive I was wondering did the firemen realized they give me something that in addition to being a cold pack could be used to make an explosive to be used against the government nanny police state? I wanted to keep the cold pack as a souvenir but just to make sure the TSA and Homeland Security thugs didn’t arrest me as a terrorist when I left the hospital I left it behind. Last week I had the stitches removed from my cut. A couple of days later I looked at the cut and it looks like they forgot to remove two of the stitches. I went back to the hospital today and sure enough they forgot to remove two of my stitches. They removed both of them. These are photos of the stitches they failed to remove. Should I sue them for the screw up? Of course not! Even if they did screw up both times they treated me for free. I should be happy they sowed up my cut! It could have been worse! I could have been beaten up by the cops like this guy was. He was beaten up much more badly by these Phoenix Police Officers then I was by the racist Black guy(s). And if they ever catch the racist Black guy(s) at least they will be charged with a crime. These criminal cops will probably never be charged with a crime or even be punished. And in the even they are actually punished it will probably be a slap on the wrist! Or I could have been murdered. In this case some nut stabbed one guy several times in the Macy’s store in Fiesta Mall, and the next day came back and stabbed to death another guy in the food court restroom of Fiesta Mall. At first the newspapers said the attacks were racist, but after reading more it looks like the attacker is just a nut case with more then a few screws loose in his tiny brain.
1 - I think the year was 2008.
I originally wrote this after I was attacked
and then I left off the date.
Now it is July of 2011 and I am adding some new stuff to these web pages
so I went back and added the year to this web page.
I got the year of 2008 from the time stamps on all the other
files of this web page.
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